world artist
Iverson Lei

P.O. Box 1578, Hailey, Idaho, 83333
Hailey (Stati Uniti)


Early Morning Coffee
oil on  canvas,  18 x 20 US inches cm, 2000


Pink vase
oil on  canvas,  11 x 14 US inches cm, 2000


The gaze
oil on  board,  9 x 11 US inches cm, 2000


oil on  board,  9 x 11 US inches cm, 2000




American Plein-Air Painter, Lei Iverson, has been painting professionally for over thirty years. In 1988 she was included as one of the top Plein-Air Painters in the country by San Jose Museum of Art and California Art Dealers Association and was among their four top selling artists at the auction of Contemporary Plein-Air Painters. She has given painting demonstrations at San Jose Civic Center, Sun Valley Arts Festival, and SBG Plein-Air Painters. Her work has been selected for many National and International juried exhibitions in U.S., Canada and Italy. Periodicals that have included her work are: Antiques and Fine Art, Antiques and Fine Art - Who's Who in America, Art Connection, Arttalk, Southwest Art, and Sun Valley Magazine. Contributing Editor for WetCanvas, instructional article "The Still Life-a plein air painter's approach".

Curriculum vitae:

Lei's art education includes classes and workshops at the Art Students League of New York, The Scottsdale Artists' School, The Salt Lake City Center for the Arts, San Jose University, Idaho State University, and Utah State University. Although all have affected her artistic perspective, she attributes her true growth from the inspiration and encouragement given to her by other artists and mentors. Included among these was the late Russian/American Painter, Sergei Bongart. He gave, her understanding to what she had always seen, color, and his encouraging words, "You will be a great painter...", gave her confidence in her artistic goals.


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 7/10/2001 : 61069

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