world artist
Francesca Judd

PO Box 80472 Westgate
Auckland (Nuova Zelanda)


acrilic on  canvas,  18x24 inches cm, 2001


acrilic on  canvas,  18x24 inches cm, 2002


acrilic on  canvas,  18x24 inches cm, 2001


The Sweetest Joy
acrilic on  canvas,  18x24 inches cm, 2001


True Love
acrilic on  canvas,  18x24 inches cm, 2001




Images From The Heart
A poem published with


one ray of light of love
is one billion rays of light of love
is infinite light

floating soft feather

a diamond
is one billion diamond rays of light of love
white dove of love

Francesca Judd

I am an New Zealand artist, and exhibit my art in some of the worlds most prestigious galleries.
I have been asked to exhibit my work in over 20 different countries in the last two years. Some of the countries I have showed my work in include, USA, Spain, Australia,China and Italy.
Last year I made the finals of an International art competition held by the International Academy of Modern Art in Rome.
I have been painting since I was old enough to hold a brush. I began exhibiting work in New Zealand when I was 12.
I was accepted to study at Auckland, New Zealand's Elam Art School at 15, after achieving the highest mark nationwide for School Certificate art 1985. But I turned it down and travelled to Australia when I was a little older to gain my Bachelor or Fine Arts at one of Australia’s most revered art schools, the Royal Melbourne Institute.
I spent five years travelling the globe simply to look at art all over the world.

Curriculum vitae:

2002 October, Art International 2002, Congressional Center Zurich, Switzerland. An international group exhibition of selected artists from around the world. Art International 2002

2002 Phoenix, Te Atatu Peninsula, Auckland, New Zealand

September, Pulcheria Italy, Piacenza, Palazzo S.Pietro. Female artists from around the world appear on TV video at the exhibition.

2002 June, to 2003, ‘RRolex Cup Regatta Ninth Life Gallery St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. Work to appear in the Rolex Cup Regatta and in the gallery for one year.
Ninth Life Gallery One of the largest galleries in the Caribbean.

2002 June, S.A. Aroma & Beauty, Cyprus, International Art Exhibition, Nicosia, Cyprus. An International exhibition within the Venetian walls in Nicosia which have more than 2000 years of history.

2002 June, Ninth Life Gallery St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
Work to appear in the Rolex Cup Regatta, and in the gallery for one year.

2001 September, Italy, Piacenza, Palazzo S.Pietro 'Pulcheria' International Art Exhibition. International art exhibition of selected women artists from around the world.

2001 July, Hong Kong China, Solo Exhibition, Hong Kong Art Centre

2001 30 April, Turnball Hall, Solo Exhibition, Wellington, New Zealand

2000 September, New York, USA, Solo Exhibition, World Fine Art Gallery

2000 November, Rome, Italy, International Art Competition,
A.I.A.M International Academy of Modern Art

1999 October, Barcelona, Spain, International Art Exhibition, in the 'Sala Marqués de Comillas', Drassanes of Barcelona, Spain, I spoke on National TV about love and butterflies

1995 Washington DC, USA, Collaboration Exhibition, George Mason University As a group of artist we created a collaborative work using the images found in the library

1994 Melbourne, Australia, Garden Gnombes, Coins and War Medals Exhibition, Zero Studio, Ministry of Finance Gallery Windows. A duo exhibition, images randomly selected from an Encyclopaedia

1994 Williamstown Festival and Brunswick Festival group exhibitions at the respective town halls

1993 Washington DC, USA, Studied a Fine Art Degree at RMIT and 1995 George Mason USA RMIT

1992 Melbourne, Australia, Eros Conspiracy Exhibition
Melbourne Fringe Festival At the Lounge, Melbourne 'Fringe Festival'

1992 Melbourne, Australia, Culture Shock Exhibition
Melbourne Festival Melbourne Festival

1992 Melbourne, Australia, Cabaret
Williamstown Light Opera Company Set design, for the Williamstown Light Opera Company

1991 Auckland, New Zealand The Tempest Set Design, for the Auckland Summer Shakespeare Company

1982,1983,1984 Auckland, New Zealand, Star Art Exhibition A group exhibition of young artists annually


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 7 luglio 2003
Visitatori dal 3/4/2001 : 61461

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