world artist
Kelly Billette

2184 N Union Road
Bay City (Stati Uniti)

tel. 517-684-2342


digital art on  digital,  2001


digital art on  digital,  2000


Senza titolo
digital art on  digital,  1999


digital art on  digital,  2001




Briefly, I am a resident of Bay City Michigan. I possessed an innate talent both in abstract and representational art that was evident since early childhood.
I began my formal art education at a local community college and later transferred to a four year University in Saginaw Michigan to complete the academic equivalent of a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Throughout my college years I became increasingly disillusioned with "higher" art education and resolved myself to the philosophy that "creativity is an objective truth that cannot be taught." And that"education may instill false notions within an individual that will actually stifle creativity."

Curriculum vitae:

Kathy Behmlander Memorial Art Scholarship

Saginaw Valley State University Art Purchase Award 1987

Saginaw Valley State University Art Purchase Award 1988

New York School of Visual Arts Competition/ Inclusion in 2000-2001
International Art Show.

Art is a process of bringing into the light the unseen subconscious aspects of the mind where creativity originates. To merely imitate or reflect is akin to the properties of water, not the mind. But to create and invent is evidence of mind. Likewise the mind is evidence of spirit and the creative process act as a bridge between the spiritual world and the physical world. Thus, creativity in turn, is evidence of God.
Pablo Picasso once said "To transform the sun into a yellow blob of paint is one thing, but to transform a yellow blob of paint into the sun is quite another."


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 19 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 18/4/2001 : 61114

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