world artist
Caz Novak

Taranaki (Nuova Zelanda)


mixed media on  canvas,  77cm X 77cm cm, 2000


Spring Heat
mixed media on  canvas,  77cm X 61cm cm, 2000


Spring Silhouette
mixed media on  canvas,  67cm X 85cm cm, 2000


Summer Glow
mixed media on  canvas,  1020cm X 77cm cm, 1999




Caz Novak was born in Wellington, New Zealand and completed a three year course at Wellington College of Education, majoring in art. She then went on to pursue her teaching career, incorporating her passion for the creative.

Her paintings are vibrant, colourful landscapes with a fauvist influence. She works in acrylic and mixed media, using a sgraffito technique.

Now a full-time artist, she live on a beautiful West Coast beach in the North Island of New Zealand. Some of her work is directly inspired by this environment, while other pieces depict her travels in Europe and the Pacific Islands.

Recently her work has featured in the interior magazines "NZ House & Garden" and "Next".

Curriculum vitae:

Caz is represented in New Zealand by Fishers Fine Arts, and in Australia by Delshan Gallery, Melbourne. The majority of her work is sold through her website:


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 4/7/2001 : 60804

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