world artist
Mariela Restrepo

P.O. Box 360992 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-0992
Cúcuta  (Colombia)

tel. 787-781-2216

oil on  canvas,  36 x 48 inches cm, 1995


oil on  canvas,  30 x 24 inches cm, 1988


oil on  canvas,  36 x 48 inches cm, 1994


oil on  canvas,  36 x 48 inches cm, 1998




Born in Cúcuta, Colombia, 1954. At present she lives in Puerto Rico. She studied at the University of Puerto Rico where she learned experiences and knowledge from english painter professor Allison Daubercies, Also studied with famous American painter Burton Silverman in a Young Art Clinic. Her artistic career has been very successful.

Since 1979 she has taken part in numerous individual and collective expositions presented at the Ateneo Puertorriqueño, Carnegie Library, Puertorrican Institute of Culture, Citibank and Botello Gallery in Puerto Rico. Voluntariado de las Casas Reales, Casa de Bastidas in Dominican Republic.

More than twenty five thousand Puertorrican families own some of the artist lithographies which include some beauty of puertorrican Landscape.

Her work has also been exposed at the Puertorrican Pavillion during the Panamerican Games held Indianapolis, USA and the Olimpic Games in Seul, Korea. All nation's athlethic delegations received an art work of Mariela as a present from Puerto Rico.

"I paint only those things that inspired me love, peace and reflection. I believe that the artist has a mission through its work. I feel that mine is to honor nature. When I see a mangrove with its roots interweave under water, and another looking at heaven with its dry roots, my desire to protect nature wake up in my conscience."

Curriculum vitae:

Born in Cúcuta, Colombia, 1954. At present she lives in Puerto Rico. She studied at the University of Puerto Rico where she learned experiences and knowledge from english painter professor Allison Daubercies, Also studied with famous American painter Burton Silverman in a Young Art Clinic. Her artistic career has been very successful.

Since 1979 she has taken part in numerous individual and collective expositions presented at the Ateneo Puertorriqueño, Carnegie Library, Puertorrican Institute of Culture, Citibank and Botello Gallery in Puerto Rico. Voluntariado de las Casas Reales, Casa de Bastidas in Dominican Republic.

More than twenty five thousand Puertorrican families own some of the artist lithographies which include some beauty of puertorrican Landscape.

Her work has also been exposed at the Puertorrican Pavillion during the Panamerican Games held Indianapolis, USA and the Olimpic Games in Seul, Korea. All nation's athlethic delegations received an art work of Mariela as a present from Puerto Rico.


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 30/3/2001 : 60945

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