world artist
Richard Arnold

P.O. Box 292
Rock Hill, New York (Stati Uniti)


At the sign of the two horses
sculpture on  bronze,  25 cm x 30 cm cm, 2002


Eleven-holed mask
sculpture on  bronze,  21 cm cm, 2002


Master of the ceremonies
sculpture on  bronze,  36 cm cm, 2002


Relief panel
sculpture on  bronze,  19 x 22 cm cm, 2002


Nude reclining
pencil on  paper,  30 x 40 cm cm, 1992




Born in New Jersey, USA, educated at Yale University, has traveled widely, and operates the Glenwild Studios, in Rock Hill, New York.
Through his website: Arnold has met and worked with many artists from around the world. He has exhibitions in New York and internationally.

He has a keen interest in collecting drawings and sketch books, Old Masters to contemporary artists, and has been a practicing sketch-diarist for his entire life. His other mediums are painting, sculpture, and digital.

His most recent exhibition was a group show at the Weber State University, in Ogden, Utah, U.S.A. As an artist vitally interested in the native arts of New Guinea, in particular the Asmat people, Arnold was among the five Western artists selected for this show curated by Steve Chiaramonte.


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdì 7 Marzo 2008
Visitatori dal 23/3/2001 : 62254

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