world artist
Eric Shenker

723 Graisbury Avenue
Haddonfield, NJ,08033 (Stati Uniti)

tel. 610-212-7067

Max's Bowl
oil on  linen,  48X36 cm, 1994


Night Bridge
etching on  paper,  28X22 cm, 1977


Rolling Stones Fine Art Poster
etching on  various materials,  40 x 28 cm, 2002


Whistle Stop
etching on  paper,  28X22 cm, 1973




An exciting artistic collaboration!The renowned artist,Eric Shenker and the Legendary Rock Photographer,Robert Altman are collaborating on a new work of Art."The Rolling Stones",having a heart to heart discussion,about how they really feel about one another.Entitled,"Tell The Truth & Shame The Devil".The medium is etching on 'claybord' and the original will be reproduced as a black and white lithographic Fine Art Poster. A limited edition of 500 prints will be signed and numbered by Altman & Shenker. UPDATE...MAY 5,2003...The Rolling Stones will be appearing in Italy on June 10,2003 @ SAN SIRO ARENA,in MILAN ITALY!! The 'Open' Edition prints will be for sale at selected Milan Art Galleries.To reserve your prints now,a ltd number are available through Shenker's European dealer in London,Mr.David'Digger'Barnes at, This is a HOT CLASSIC COLLECTABLE so order yours early! Grazie,Phil Onffroy/Webmaster & Customer Service Manager.eric creative group,inc.usa

Curriculum vitae:

My Artist Statement: I believe that every artist has one great painting in them.I don't believe in juried art shows.Art is a creative process,not a competative event.All true artist's are winners.If you buy into the mind-set of believing that Juried shows choose the best most talented artists,your mistaken.I didn't believe that when I started my career 30 years ago and I still don't.I've become successful,well known without that "Established Formula."As to what inspires me to create? "A big chip on my shoulder helps!"The problems of our Society,is the fuel that inspires most of my favorite artists.They and I,just add the spark.I try to re-invent the world,but it's usually myself that gets re-invented.I've been a rebel "with a cause",most of my life and see no reason to stop now!On developing a new concept,I believe my gut and follow my instincts.It can be anything that catches my fancy.If the idea lasts more than a few days and still feels exciting,then I consider starting the painting.All the work i've created,is for me.Commissions and the like,are to difficult and contrived."Creativity on Demand",has never appealed to me.If the buyer's like my work,it's of a personal nature to them.That is the ultimate compliment to me.If they say ,"That's Interesting!" you can be sure it's the "Kiss of Death",for that purchase!In the end,will the "Body" of my Artwork change the World and make it better?Probably not.But it makes me happy and gives me a great sense of accomplishment.I guess that's why I do it.I love being an Artist!


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 24/3/2001 : 96551

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