world artist
Diane Hoffman

1975 Young Avenue
TN, 38104, Memphis (Stati Uniti)


mixed media on  alabastro,  dimensioni variabili cm,


mixed media on  alabastro,  dimensioni variabili cm,


More consistent material
mixed media on  alabastro,  dimensioni variabili cm,


Prayer flag
mixed media on  alabastro,  dimensioni variabili cm,





1991-1993 Master of Fine Arts, painting, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 37 South Wabash, Chicago, IL

1983-1987 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Rhode Island School of Design, 2 College Street, Providence, RI

1986 European Honors Program, Rhode Island School of Design,
Palazzo Cenci, Piazza Cenci 56, Rome, Italy

Curriculum vitae:

Artist's Statement:
I am interested the incantatory hypnotic power of repetition and minute,
unpredictable but focused variation. I use painterly techniques of
chance and planning to chart a circulating relationship of resonance and
continuities. This work does not press materials into a particular form
but develop a more rich and consistent material.

Materials include Paper, Daily newspapers color reproductions, Stencils,
Tissue paper (both as support and media) Ink and Paints.

Processes of repetition and variation include: Free hand marks,
Representational painted collage, Dying, Stenciling, Marbling, Folding,
Offset printing, and Blotting.

Aesthetic resonance and continuities include: Electronic, Computing ,
Collage, Disco(constant and endless) Incantatory repetition, The dancing
body, Photosensitivity, Exhaustion and Luminance.


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 14 luglio 2003
Visitatori dal 7/10/2001 : 61105

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