world artist
Luka ©irok

Morsko 1 5213 kanal
Kanal Ob Soæi (Slovenia)

tel. 0038631715861

bird man2
oil on  canvas,  100/70 cm, 2005


acrilic on  wood,  100/40 cm cm, 1997




Atelier: Smartno 13, Goriska Brda,
5211 Kojsko Nova Gorica, Slovenia.
tel: 0038631715861

Luka ©irok is been born in 1982 to Sempeter Pri Novi Gorici, lives and works in its Atelier to ©martno, Slovenia.
It has begun the artistic studies in Italy in 1997, to the Grammar school Of Art “Max Fabiani” of Gorizia,(ita)
achieving the diploma in painting in 2002. Therefore it has been enrolled then to the Academy of Fine Arts of Venice,
where currently he is preparing the Diploma with its painting university professor Carl Di Raco.

“My personal search part from the primitiva had feeling, with the aim to describe the real one.
And' like a need that is declared because scream from my inside.
A not constant shape is created that in the future of the periods marks those something,
not descrivibile and unexpected, able to satisfy me but also to create a rich sound of harmonies for anyone it is found.

Curriculum vitae:


Currently its finishing, at october 2007 i will graduate and become an accademic painter
of the Academy of Fine Arts.

• 2002
registration to the Academy of Fine Arts of Venice with Painting address followed from the Prof. Carl Di Raco

• 1997/2002
it studies to the Institute of Art Max Fabiani of Gorizia, Painting address, achieving the Diploma of Artistic Maturity.


• 2007 personal Extension, Gallery Space White man via Palazzo 45 Mestre (VE) edited by Gino Blanc(ita)

• 2007 Atelier F, Academy of Fine Arts of Venice, edited by the Prof. Carl Di Raco(ita)

• 2006 Murales for the initiative Without Borders, organized from the ministry of the Slovenian culture and from that Italian, Nova Gorica, Slovenia

• 2006 collective Extension of young artists Smartno Tower Exibition, Gorisca Brda, Slovenia

• 2006 Atelier F, Academy of Fine Arts of Venice, edited by the Prof. Carl Di Raco

• 2005/06 Participation to the competition Venete Labels - wine Friulano and Serpino, Monselice/(ita)

• 2005 collective Extension Crossing Over, Garden of the Torso to Udine and subsequently moved to
Villa Beatrice d' Este - Arquà Petrarch, (Padova)(ita)

• 2005 collective Extension Atelier opened in occasion of
Academy of Fine Arts of Venice(ita)

• 2004 collective Extension My sister is always with me, Display window Bassani Milan, edited by Cariello Joy(ita)

• 2004 collective Extension, Face to Face - Young to comparison, Friuli Doc 2004, Garden of the Torso, Udine(ita)

• 2003 personal Extension, young ABABABA HONOLULU, Center KKM, Kanal Ob Soèi, Slovenia(slo)

• 2003 collective Extension Aquety for Face to Face - Young to comparison, Friuli Doc 2003,
Garden of the Torso, Udine(ita)

• 2001 Of of Venere of of Mars collective Extension, Farra d' Isonzo(ita)

• the 2000 wall of the five languages, painting walls them on the recinzione
of the Former Cotonificio di Piedimonte, Gorizia(ita)


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdì 28 Settembre 2007
Visitatori dal 27/9/2007 : 61033

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