world artist
Tolga Ozkan

Istanbul (Turchia)

tel. 02122363828

water planet
oil on  cardboard,  A2 cardboard cm, 1997


omega portal
digital art on  digital,  1995


inner flow
acrilic on  canvas,  104x98 cm cm, 2007


from the heart
acrilic on  canvas,  60x60 cm cm, 2007


holy road
mixed media on  cardboard,  50x70 cm cm, 1997


digital art on  digital,  1997


digital art on  digital,  1996


crimson angels
oil on  cardboard,  A2 cardboard cm, 1995


golden eye
digital art on  digital,  1995


goddess ilona
pencil on  cardboard,  A5 paper cm, 2006


spirit catcher
acrilic on  canvas,  98x80 cm cm, 2003


pink dragon
digital art on  digital,  2006


mind and heart
pencil on  cardboard,  A4 paper cm, 2006


the birth of beta-nova
digital art on  digital,  2006


universal balance
digital art on  digital,  1995




WEB: -
TEL: 0 533 357 50 43- 0 212 227 57 39

I am from Istanbul Turkey, Birth: 7/6/1972 Ankara
I love to make paintings since the school years,I am graduated from Mimar Sinan University of arts,I am an Industrial Designer,but I am working as an Interior Designer since l have started to work. I make the paintings usually with mixed techniques ,oil or acrylic, crayon,pastel,water colour in the same painting , but mostly I make the drawing,so I scan to the computer and workon as digital media. I don't see any difference between the techniques.The point is to make the vision or designs to be made as quick and as beautiful.
Sometimes I see some visions,or I start to paint unthinking something and the concept comes while I am drawing. Rarely I design a concept , mostly I leave it to my oversoul. The theme of my art is the cosmic voyage of our souls in different realities ,dimensions and the era that we are beginning. They are a mix of visionary art, surrealism, fantasy, sci-fi, new age and mostly spirituality.
With love and peace.
Tolga Özkan


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdì 28 Settembre 2007
Visitatori dal 27/9/2007 : 64733

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