world artist
Jose Carlos  Ortiz

Moscardó 1
Socuéllamos (Spagna)

tel. 627761825

port de Maó-Menorca
oil on  wood,  120x70 cm, 2005


cabo de Cavallería
oil on  wood,  155x60 cm, 2005


oil on  wood,  135x75 cm, 2004


oil on  wood,  96x65 cm, 2005


los espejos de Favaritx
oil on  wood,  77x55 cm, 2004


La Mancha
oil on  wood,  100x55 cm, 2002


hacia Fornells
oil on  wood,  96x65 cm, 2004


faro de Favaritx en Menorca
oil on  wood,  77x55 cm, 2004


el pozo de los deseos
oil on  wood,  135x75 cm, 2005


desde el sur
oil on  wood,  100x55 cm, 2002


cala de san Esteban en Menorca
oil on  wood,  77x55 cm, 2005


cala de Favaritx
oil on  wood,  77x55 cm, 2004


Biniarroga Nou
oil on  wood,  96x65 cm, 2004


barreras en primavera
oil on  wood,  77x55 cm, 2005


oil on  wood,  96x65 cm, 2005




Painter, sketcher, muralista and self-taugh designer. Been born in Tomelloso –Spain.
“Way to your side between arrullos of peace and in the sweet vertigo of the stranger…”
… Of its works its vocation by the naturalismo, presented/displayed of very legible form would stand out thanks to the affluent succession of planes defined of principle to aim and sufficient trowel that, for me, it connects with the line and the culture of Tiziano, although in a contemporary version… All its work allows to breathe ART, NATURALISMO, BEAUTY, LIGHT…
Joan Palmarola - Of the European Association of Experts of Art. President of ACEAS

“Wide-awake the magic, the light…,
the long way towards a dream "

Curriculum vitae:

Partner of the Federation of Artists ACEA. Barcelona.
Member of the Association of Plastic Artists Goya-Aragón de Zaragoza.
Member of the Aragonese Association, Lirica, Plastic Acoustics and. Teruel.
Member of the Association of Plastic Artists of Towns.
Member of the Circle of Art of Toledo.
Member of NETWORK. A.C. (Network of Art and Communication). River basin

1981 House of Culture of Real City
1983 House of Culture of Socuéllamos (Real City)
1984 House of Culture of I reddle (Real City)
1985 House of Culture of Scallion (Toledo)
1986 House of Culture of the Solana (Real City)
1987 House of Culture of the Solana (Real City)
1987 Mostra de Modern Arte of the European Community (Barcelona)
1990 Room of Culture of Kid (Valencia)
1990 Hall Autumn. Kid (Valencia)
1992 Room of Culture of Kid (Valencia)
1992 Sagunto (Valencia)
1995 House of culture of Socuéllamos (Real City)
1996 House of Culture of Socuéllamos (Real City)
1997 Room of Culture of Kid (Valencia)
1998 Second Hall the International D'arts Plástiques ACEA'S. Barcelona
1999 January. Third Hall the International D'arts Plástiques ACEA'S. Barcelona
1999 October. Sintra. (Portugal)
1999 October. Seventh Mostra Internazionale Contemporary Di Art. Mésola (Italy)
2000 June. Gallery D'art Pedret. Girona
2000 Julio. Castle of Moor of Rubielos (Teruel)
2000 October. Eighth Mostra Internazionale Contemporary Di Art. Mésola (Italy)
2001 January. Bologna (Italy)
2001 February. Menache gallery. Mexico D.F. (Mexico)
2001 March. University “Cristóbal Columbus”. Mexico D.F. (Mexico)
2001 April. Gallery of art ACEA'S. Alicante
2001 June. I know Saló the International d'arts plástiques ACEA'S. Barcelona
2001 November. Batlló house. (Barcelona)
2002 April. Tondaiti temple. Kioto (Japan)
2002 April. IX Mostra Internazionale I gave Contemporary Art Rome (Italy)
2002 September. Villarrubia of the Eyes (Real City)
2002 October. Acqui-Ter to me. (Italy)
2002 October. Saint Amand. (France)
2003 January-February. Arts ET Coleurs. Saint Chamon
2003 September. Villarrubia of the Eyes (Real City)
2003 October. Buxieres You mine to them. (France)
2003 October. Saint Amand. (France)
2003 November. Artitude. Paris (France)
2005 January-December. C.E.I.P. Gerald Martinez. Socuéllamos (Real City)
2005 Julio. Crisve. Socuéllamos (Real City)
2005 August. House Carmen Arias. Socuéllamos (Real City)
2006 April. House of the culture. Almodóvar of the Field (Real City)
2006 April-May. 50º Hall the International D'Arts Plastiques. Beziers (France)
2006 May. Museum of Natural Sciences. Appearance of the Marquess (Real City)
2006 September - October. Exhibition of Friends of the Cordovan Patios (Cordova)
2006 September. ARTEFAIM Fair of Independent Art of Madrid (Spai
2002 April. IX Mostra Internazionale I gave Contemporary Art Rome (Italy)
2006 November. Grupo Conectarte - Sala Almazen. Cordova
2007 January. Expo the International of small format - Room Airs. Cordova
2007 January. Sala Aberroes. Cordova
14/04 to the 23/04 of 2007. IV international fair of ARTERY - Monsoon (Huesca)

1970 August. House of Culture of Socuéllamos (Real City)
1971 August. House of Culture of Socuéllamos (Real City)
1988 September. Room of Culture of Kid (Valencia)
1988 Julio. Room of Art and Culture of Bytom (Poland)
1989 August. House of Culture of Socuéllamos (Real City)
1991 April-May. Sala Ibars (Valencia)
1992 April-May. Sala Ibars (Valencia)
1999 Julio. Room of the Favor. Inheritance. (Real City)
1999 August. Caixa of Catalonia. Mahón. Menorca
2001 Julio. Tomelloso. (Real City)
2001 Julio-August. The Caixa. Mahón. Menorca
2004 August. House of Culture of Socuéllamos (Real City)
2005 September. Caixa of Catalonia (Maó)
2006 September. House of Culture of Villaescusa de Haro (River basin)
2007. Sala ALMAZEN of Córdoba

Museum of the Royal House of Portugal. Vicenza. (Italy).
Espais d'Art Acea's. Barcelona
Museum of Art Modern GORNOSLASKIEGO. BYTOM. (Poland).
Museum DOUBTS GRACZ. BYTOM. (Poland).
House of Art and Culture of Kid (Valencia).
Cultural bottom of Foundation Caixa of Catalonia.
House of culture of Socuéllamos (Real City).
House of culture of Tomelloso (Real City).
Deprived, public organizations and particular collections of Spain, EE.UU., France, Italy, Poland, Mexico, etc.EN (Cordova)


Dictionary of Art of Century XX in the province of Real City (pages 246-247-426)
Contemporani artists. Profill & Quotazioni of the 2000
International Who's who in art
One hundred days of Art (Kid-Alive) September
Daily Lance (Real City) 12/04/1983
Country (Valencia) 13/04/1991
The daily East (Valencia) 14/04/1991
Newspaper Provinces (Valencia) 14/04/1991
Newspaper of BYTOM (Poland) 06/07/1989
Daily Lance (Real City) 12/04/1997
Newspaper Menorca 27/07/1999 - 29/07/1999
Expo-it guides. 11/1999
Socuéllamos (P. of San Andrés) Edition 4ª (pages 164-165)
Forum Artist: Dictionary of Painting and Sculpture (10 Volume - page 3048), etc.
Daily Lance (Real City) 07/2001
Daily Lance (Real City) 07/2001
Newspaper Menorca 07/2001
Newspaper 07/2001
Daily Lance (Real City) 06/08/2004
Day 06/08/2004
Newspaper 20/09/2004
Socuéllamos 30 days 09/2004
Socuéllamos - Pieces of its graphical life (Manuel Reales - 2005)
Socuéllamos II - (P. San Andrés 2005)
Crisve 50 Anniversary - 2005
Last Hour (Menorca) 18/09/2005
Newspaper Menorca 21/09/2005
Newspaper Menorca 22/09/2005
Guide of Art 2006 (Barcelona)
Diccionariol de Arte 2006 (Cordova)
Creators III - CordovaI make:

Graphical designs
Illustrations for stories and books
Murals etc…


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdì 28 Settembre 2007
Visitatori dal 27/9/2007 : 64841

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