world artist
Marilyn Kirsch

61 West 62 Street, 7N
New York (Stati Uniti)


Facing East
oil on  canvas,  (60 inches x 64 inches) 162.6 x 152.4 x 3.8 cm  cm, 2008


Photographic Memory 1
oil on  canvas,  (34 inches x 36 inches) 91.4 x 86.4 x 3.8 cm  cm, 2008


Photographic Memory 2
oil on  canvas,  (34 inches x 36 inches) 91.4 x 86.4 x 3.8 cm  cm, 2008


The Disintegration of Progress
oil on  canvas,  (34 inches x 36 inches) 91.4 x 86.4 x 3.8 cm  cm, 2007


The Red Guide
oil on  canvas,  (60 inches x 64 inches) 162.6 x 152.4 x 3.8 cm  cm, 2008




Born in 1950.
Currently living and working in New York City, USA
with her husband Gabor Herman, a mathematician.

My work is somewhere between abstract and
completely non-objective. At times there seem
to be recognizable images in my paintings, but
these images lack definite boundaries and
oscillate between possibilities.

I utilize both a control of the medium and
an allowance for the accidental. Shifts of the
image occur while I work and become part of the
finished piece. The completed painting is my
response to the unsettling relationship between
random acts and carefully planned decisions.
In every work I am concerned with the physical
properties of the material and the metaphorical
content of the image.

I am interested in the tension that occurs when
perception is not absolutely clear. I like images
that are ambiguous and simultaneously appear to be
more than one thing, for example, are both vast and
minute or both distant and close.

With the ideas of ambiguity and perception in mind,
I have also been investigating how meaning can be
found where it is not intended. Totally random marks
of paint can seem to be images of real things like
finding pictures in the clouds.

Curriculum vitae:


1976 MFA School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Boston, Massachusetts

1972 BFA Massachusetts College of Art
Boston, Massachusetts

Recent Solo Exhibits

2009 Two-person Exhibition with Furniture Artist Vivian Beer
Wexler Gallery
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

2006 H. Pelham Curtis Gallery
New Canaan, Connecticut

2005 Paintings That Fit in a Suitcase
University of Szeged
Szeged, Hungary

2003 Paintings and Solar Etchings
The DeBottis Gallery
West Chester, Pennsylvania

2001 Recent Work
The DeBottis Gallery
West Chester, Pennsylvania

1999 Paintings and Works on Paper
Akar Architecture & Design
Iowa City, Iowa

1999 Paintings and Works on Paper
The DeBottis Gallery
West Chester, Pennslyvania

1999 Works on Paper
The Philadelphia Art Alliance Members' Gallery
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 8 luglio 2009
Visitatori dal 3/1/2001 : 61419

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