world artist
Mirek Antoniewicz

Wroclaw (Polonia)


Boat I
oil on  canvas,  100x80 cm, 2006


Boat II
oil on  canvas,  100x80 cm, 2006


Boat III
oil on  canvas,  100x80 cm, 2006


Fortuna mutata
oil on  canvas,  140x100 cm, 2005


Head I
oil on  canvas,  100x80 cm, 2007


Head II
oil on  canvas,  100x80 cm, 2007


oil on  canvas,  116x89 cm, 2007


oil on  canvas,  100x80 cm, 2007


Woman I
oil on  canvas,  80x100 cm, 2007


Woman II
oil on  canvas,  80x100 cm, 2007




Recent Exhibition
XIV International Events of Art, Portugal
European Masters of Modern Art, Burgau, Austria /honorauble mention/
Marmurowa Gallery, Katowice /II award for painting/
Feeling of sea, M Odwach Gallery, Wroclaw
Udstillingen, Galerie Bram, Hobro, Denmark
Touch of Hiob, Song of Goat Theatre, Wroclaw
WinterArt, Wiesbaden, Germany
Art of Love, LondonArt Gallery, Londyn
Art Fair - Art Poznañ, Poznañ
6 Biennale Ma³ych Form Malarskich, Toruñ /award/
Winter Art, Galerie Pokusa, Wiesbaden

Curriculum vitae:

Mirek Antoniewicz
Born 1954. Lives and works in Wroclaw.
A member of The Association of Polish Artist.
My works is represented by M Gallery Wroclaw.


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdì 28 Settembre 2007
Visitatori dal 21/8/2007 : 63529

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