world artist
Elio Oliveira

Rua 19, nº 274 - 2º 4.500 - Espinho / Portugal
Espinho (Portogallo)

tel. + 351 933 211 218

mixed media on  canvas,  123 x 50 cm cm, 2001


mixed media on  canvas,  123 x 100 cm cm, 2001


The sleep 17 + the sleep 18 + the sleep 19
mixed media on  canvas,  123 x 100 cm, 2001




1959 – Born in Venezuela
1962 – Mooved to Portugal
1982 – Degree of History from the Oporto University
1988 – Established his own ceramic company.
1988/2000 – Designs several ceramic collections for different ceramist all over the world.

Curriculum vitae:

Solo exhibitions

1998, June –“White skin, black masks” – Solo exhibition at Proposta Gallery in Espinho – Portugal
1999, July –“Cases, people and desires” - Solo exhibition at Proposta Gallery in Espinho – Portugal
1999. October – “Desires and people” – Solo exhibition at the Colombier Cultural Center in Paris – France
2000, January –“The ethereal or the portrait of the mundane behind the mark” – Solo exhibition at the World Fine Art Gallery C – New York – USA.
2000, October-"News or Painting by Meter" – Solo exhibition at Proposta Gallery in Espinho – Portugal.
2001, February - "The Sleep or Painting by Meter" - solo exhibition at the Doctors House Gallery in Oporto - Portugal
2001, April- "People of reality" at The Gallery Torres Bárbara in V.N.Gaia, Portugal
2001, July - "The Sleep or Painting by Meter" - solo exhibition at the on-line gallery 218ac.

Group Exhibitions

1999, August –Participation at the X Biennal of V.N.Cerveira –V.N.Cerveira – Portugal
2000, Abril – Art Beyond the Borders Group exhibition at Galery Riefel in Wien – Austria
2000, July – Viviamo l'Arte, Group exhibition in Bari – Italy
2000, July - Art Beyond the Borders, Group exhibition at Galery Club der
Begegnung in Linz – Austria
2000, September – The World Festival of Art on Paper, Group exhibition at Kranj – Slovenia
2000, September- 7Sea Art Exhibition at Art System Gallery in Toronto – Canada
2000, October –ABB exhibition at Galerie Augentrost in Dusseldorf – Germany
2000, October –Doctors Without Borders at Galerie Kandinsky in Wien Austria
2001, January - "ABB" at the Karmel Convent Gallery in Drachten ,
2001, May - "ABB" in Los Angeles, USA
2001, May - "ABB" in Jonkoping, Sweeden
2001, May- IAC - International Art Collective in Barcelona, Spain.
2001, July-"ABB" exhibition at Generali Versicherung AG in Linz, Austria.

Press Releases

"Élio Oliveira: "To love the art", in Maré Viva portuguese newspaper of the 2nd of July 1998
"A Historical Lesson", in Comércio do Porto portuguese newspaper of the 8th of July 1998
"The nature and the painting" in Innendekorateur, swiss magazine of April 2000
"The green apples" in Forma Uutiset, finish magazine of February 2000
"Simply Irresistible" in Interiors Contracts, South African magazine of April 2000
"Sa parfaite maitrise" in Table et Cadeauz, french magazine of May 2000
"In diesem Jahr" in Wohnmagazin, German magazine of June


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 21 luglio 2003
Visitatori dal 3/8/2001 : 60533

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