world artist
Michael Oberlik

greinerhofgasse 5, a-4040 linz
Linz (Austria)

tel. 004369910737398

mixed media on  paper,  38 x 57 cm cm, 2004


mixed media on  paper,  38 x 57 cm cm, 2004


B5 - 2004
mixed media on  paper,  38 x 57 cm cm, 2004


mixed media on  canvas,  30x30x3 cm cm, 2003


A2 2003
mixed media on  canvas,  30x30x3 cm cm, 2003


A3 2003
mixed media on  canvas,  30x30x3 cm cm, 2003


ricordarsi 1
mixed media on  paper,  ca. 46 x 35 cm cm, 2002


ricordarsi 4
mixed media on  paper,  ca. 44 x 36cm cm, 2002




Michael Oberlik

born 1956 in Linz, Austria,
studied art at the accademy of education in Linz,
since 1979 teacher,
artistic work since 1978;
works in public and private collections,
several awards

Curriculum vitae:

group exhibitions

1981 Sparkasse Grieskirchen
1985 CART-Galerie Pregarten, "stone"
1986 CART-Galerie Pregarten „man and tree"
1988 Exhib. of the state Upper Austria, Schloss Weinberg (Gruppe CART)
1990 United Art Gallery, Wien, Gars am Kamp
Cart-Galerie Pregarten, "water"
Brauhaus Galerie, Freistadt
1991 CART-Galerie Pregarten, "the cross"
1992 Budweis,CZ
1994 Pregarten, "fire"
1996 Galerie Pehböck, Naarn, Perg
1997 Ursulinenhof Linz, PEN-Club
1999 Ursulinenhof Linz, PEN-Club
2001 Pallazo Riccio di Morena, Trapani, Sicily
2002 Galleria Quadreria dell Lotto, Trapani, Sicilia
Kunstmesse Linz, Landesmuseum
2003 Art Domain Gallery "abstract worlds", Mallorca
2004 BabeleArte Galleria, Piacenza


1982 Galerie am Rossmarkt, Grieskirchen, "monotypes"
Oberbank, Linz
1984 Palette, St.Florian
1985 Galerie Am Rossmarkt, Grieskirchen
1987 Verein Miteinander, Linz "black landscapes"
Galerie am Rossmarkt, Grieskirchen
1988 Local-Bühne, Freistadt, "provincial tracks"
1989 CART-Galerie, Pregarten, "cosmos and chaos"
1990 Schloss Hagenberg, "setting signs"
Päd.Akademie d. Bds., Linz, "hanging pictures"
1991 Turmgalerie Waxenberg, "Turm-Welt-Zeichen-Fluss"
Offenes Kulturhaus, Moviemento Linz
1992 Atelier Altstadt 17, "One night exhibition"
1993 Arbeiterkammer Schärding
1994 Losensteinerhaus, Linz
1996 Galerie Pehböck, Naarn
1999 Schloss Hagenberg, Eiskeller, „One night exhibition“
LKH-Galerie Freistadt
2000 "living room", Linz
2002 Galleria Quadreria del Lotto, Trapani, Sicilia
2003 Galerie Vernissage, Vienna
2004 Galerie Prat, Linz


1990 with Heimo Penn, photography, Local-Bühne Freistadt,
OK, Moviemento Linz mit H. Penn und Ernst Schmid (visual texts), "Ent/gegnungen")
Local-Bühne Freistadt
Arbeiterkammer Schärding
Turmgalerie Waxenberg
"" (art posters, throughout austria)
"LinzKunst" (series of art-postcards)
1993 illustration of the book "vor allen anderen dingen", poems, by Ernst Schmid, Lyrik
1996 Performance, Schiffswerft Linz (with the music-group „10 Saiten -1 Bogen“)


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdì 16 Aprile 2004
Visitatori dal 22/2/2001 : 62370

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