world artist
Lambertus Dalmolen

kolderveen 16
8407EN, Terwispel (Olanda)

tel. **31*513464675

acrilic on  canvas,  85x95 cm, 1998


Contemporary icon
acrilic on  canvas,  105x120 cm, 2001


acrilic on  canvas,  150x220 cm, 2000


Poetic voices
mixed media on  canvas,  85x95 cm, 1999




Some biographical notes.

I was born on the 28th of july 1954 in the province-town of Groningen in the North of the Netherlands. I grew up in a family of small entrepreneurs under the “spirit” of American Westerns. In that atmosphere was no room for spiritual development. I loved drawing and reading and built my own world. At a young age I left home. Due to the generous educational system in the seventies I could attend the academy of arts. After my first introduction in the world of mind and spirit by some reading in C.G.Jung and chinese philosophy I needed more insight, and got a masters degree in anthropology (1988). After finishing those studies I started to develop myself as an artist.

Now I live on the country in the north of the Netherlands, on the borders of a small nature-reserve.

Curriculum vitae:

On my work.

It is fashionable to make an artist-statement. I don't believe very much in those statements. Looking in them, you see beautiful statements covering work with no content and good works with lousy statements. We live in a timeframe, where management-language, thinking in terms of logo, fast-food and fast-satisfaction inundate substantial works.

That doesn't take away the fact, that I know what I am doing. I am very much aware of the impact of modern communications, what it does to our psyche. Commercialism, consumentism and all kinds of ideologies steel the images of our heart, multiply them to make propaganda and throw them away after abuse for profit-maximization. An army of media-experts, trained in psychology, sociology and iconography constantly is looking for new ways in exploitation. (Did you know that more then 75% of the fund-flows for psychology is not spend for education and therapy, but for military uses and marketing?)

So where am I in this battle of soul and icon? Where do I stand in this iconoclastic war?

Max Ernst already prophesied in the early twenties of the bygone age, that “all art would become fashion”. He realized that the impact of the first world-war not only was the first mass-massacre, but that it was also the massacre of our attachment to the images of our soul as had evolved during ages. The second world-war and the cold-war completed the process.

The resulting emptiness of our crushed collective psyche and broken hearts was filled again by commercials, greed, hollywood, and lifestyle. Because we are never satisfied with this fast-food for the soul, we rage our mother-earth to and over the brim of possibilities. We let every dream we have vapor in consumerism.

Well, with this awareness all I can do is try to find ways to restore the integrity of our soul, find a way to stop the stealing of our dreams by consumerism. For that I travel in the realm of soul and make “mindmaps” for other travelers to find their way to the sources of life. It is not much, but I consider it serious work. In my subjects I am mirroring the ways of the psyche, I adjust my technique to the subject. Therefore the works do not make nice series, that can be compared in technique. When direct expression is needed, I use it. When elaboration is a better way, I elaborate. When interaction of those approaches is needed, I combine. They way I work makes a slow process.


Gallery Aliza

Amsterdam ZO

Lotus gallery

University of Amsterdam

Cityhall Naarden

Gallery Delfi

Gallery K61



Gallery Bloemrijk vertrouwen

1998, 1999

Galeria d'arte Zero
Barcelona, Spain
may/june/july 2001

My work is included in several on-line art-organization, BabeleArt in Italy, SolidExpressions in California, Risingartist in California, I am guest-member of Art Beyond Borders.

I was invited for the Biennale from Firenze and for Arte Directe in Barcelona.

Field of work:

Painting, design, semiotics, photography, research and development, poetry.


In the course of history all kinds of imaging and imagination have been “taken” by ideologies. Those images were used to make connections (religere, religion) in our soul. The icons from the catholic church are an example. When used in masses and out of context some iconoclasm would follow. Nowadays we experience another kind of iconoclasm. Our icons are not smashed in some frenzy of violence, but are “inflated” by use in mass-media, new ideologies and commercials.

The mass-media abuse of imagination is felt as a “stealing of dreams”. With my work I return to the roots of imagination and give some durable sources for contemplation. For that I use, beside my artistic skills, knowledge of anthropology, psychology and spiritual disciplines.


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 23 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 23/7/2001 : 61114

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