world artist
Daniel Martin Diaz

Tucson (Stati Uniti)


Christ with Stigmata
oil on  wood,  29 cm, 2000


Glorious Mysteries
oil on  wood,  26 cm, 2000


Mother of Sorrows
oil on  wood,  48 cm, 2000


Nature's Anxieties
oil on  wood,  26 cm, 2000




One of my earliest memories as a child was the way death and religion played an important role in my family’s life. My parents were born in Mexico with traditional beliefs, and their beliefs made their way into my subconscious. The fact that many of those beliefs seemed to render no logical explanation has also influenced me. These unanswered questions find a home in my work. Still evoking the mystery, fear and irony of those vivid memories of my past. I do not claim to understand these questions. I just paint and let them reveal themselves to me.

Curriculum vitae:

Born: 1967

Publications and Clients;
PBS, Warner Bros/Atlantic Records, Rolling Stone Magazine, Spin Magazine, MTV-2, Juxtapoz Magazine, Low Rider Magazine, Shade Magazine, HM The Hard Music Magazine, "Orphans and Angels" New Zealand Feature Film, San Antonio de Padua Catholic Church, Contemporary Chicana and Chicano Art Book Vol. I and II, New American Paintings, Wave Magazine. Tucson Museum of Art Permanent Collection.


"Religion energizes Díaz. A gentle, introspective soul, he also can fix you with an intense gaze that demands his art be seen, rather than merely looked at. The saints that he paints are not the serene, classically beautiful people found on laminated prayer cards and wrapped around tall votive candles. Díaz’s saints are sorrowful, often tortured souls, heads bent as if in supplication—or resignation. The canvases bleed pain and passion."

Bryn Bailer, Arizona Daily Star

"There’s something dark and tormented—yet familiar—about Díaz’s images, seemingly drawn from Byzantine, Early Christian, or Medieval art periods. Look closer and you realize they’re more bizarre and dreamlike than anything you’ll find in conventional religious artwork…. The faces Díaz paints look both physically tortured and spiritually lost. Clothes weigh heavily on frail and jaundiced-looking bodies. Latin script and Tarot-like symbols placed in and around his figures suggest a deeper, more foreboding meaning. His images become both captivating and unsettling."

Kim Baker, Tucson Monthly Magazine


Ultimo aggiornamento: sabato 20 Marzo 2004
Visitatori dal 9/3/2001 : 61189

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