world artist
Merlin Emrys

Santa Fe, New Mexico (Stati Uniti)


acrilic on  canvas,  106.68x86.36 cm, 2000


acrilic on  canvas,  152.4x137.16 cm, 2000


For All Those...
acrilic on  canvas,  106.68x91.44 cm, 2000


Rhythmic Impulse 1
acrilic on  canvas,  106.68x91.44 cm, 2000




When you abstract the essence of music and visual art, in my case painting, then an underlying structure, form and rhythm can be discerned.

The notes, rhythm and tempo of a musical piece can evoke thoughts, feelings and sensations, much the same as colors, texture, strokes and shapes in a painting. This is certainly true in my art, which is a mirroring of my internal landscape as well as a reflection of what is happening externally.

My paintings, because they are abstract, are essentially energy made visible.

Curriculum vitae:

Exhibitions, Shows, Features and Juried Listings

Evening Sun Art Gallery ( - ongoing
Studio 211 ( – Oct. 2000-Jan. 2001
Comrades e-zine ( – Nov. 2000
Prima Donna Arts e-zine ( – Oct. 2000
Living Artist Gallery, Tacoma, WA
Just Being Me – Group Show, June-Sept. 2000
Edge of my Subconscious – Group Show, Feb.-April 2000
Picasso's Piccolo Fine Arts Gallery, Madrid, NM
Group Show, Dec. 1999-June 2000
Artstar (
World Wide Arts Resources (
World Artist Directory (
Art Beyond Borders (
Open Studio Tour, Eldorado, NM (May 2000)


Starsaber Award of Excellence for Graphic and Web Design – July 2001


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 23 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 1/1/2001 : 61158

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