world artist
Frank Mothe

Sjolsovonge 94
Birkeroed 3460 (Danimarca)

tel. +45 22993854

open up
mixed media on  paper,  70x100 cm, 1999


Senza titolo
mixed media on  paper,  70x100 cm, 1999


The Red Dance
mixed media on  cardboard,  70x100 cm,


Window out side
mixed media on  cardboard,  70x100 cm, 1999




Born 1965 as Artist in Helsingoer. Denmark.
Learing from life and the engergy of his son births in 1987.
Live is Art and Art is life.
Read all about Frank Mothe att
Founder of future Art Group-Denmark. Read and join us
Artlove and Peace
Frank Mothe. Denmark
Artist in Heart

Curriculum vitae:

Short Exhibitions list.
USA.Hongkong. Denmark.
Sold in Private
Netherland, Israel, USA, Canada, San dominco. Hongkong, Denmark, Sverige,
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Welcome to real art world


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 23/1/2002 : 60965

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