world artist
Janez Zalaznik

Ljubljana (Slovenia)


He (part of diptych?)
acrilic on  various materials,  160 cm x 167 cm cm, 1999


I've got hiccups after drinking vine
acrilic on  canvas,  240 x 60 cm cm, 2001


Secret wishes 1&2 (dyptich)
acrilic on  canvas,  120 x 30 each cm, 2003


She (part of diptych?)
acrilic on  various materials,  160 cm x 277 cm cm, 1999


Under surface
acrilic on  canvas,  240 x 60 cm cm, 2001




I was born 1963 in Ljubljana. From 1981 to 1986 I studied at the Art Academy in Ljubljana and graduated in painting in 1987. From that year on I have been working as a free-lance artist in the field of painting and graphic design. Member of the Association of Slovene Artists since 1987
and Art Beyond Borders international group of artists since 1999.

Curriculum vitae:

One man exhibitions (selection):

1984 Dom kulture Studentski grad, Beograd (I. prize for students' drawing)
1985 Mala galerija, Sezana
1986 Ars, Ljubljana
1988 SKUC, Ljubljana (with Aleksij Kobal)
1991 KUD France Preseren, Ljubljana (Lessons in Geography 1989-91)
1995 Galerija Sivceva hisa, Radovljica
1996 Galerija 2, Vrhnika
1997 Cour Saint Pierre, Pariz, Francija (7. Expo Festival d’Arts Plastiques)
Institut Français, Ljubljana
1998 Galerija Kompas (Geografija jaza), Ljubljana
1999 Ars On Line (Pictures from the Album),
2002 Galerija Domzale
Galerija Beseda

Group exhibitions:

Several exhibitions organized by Association of Slovene Artists in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

1999 Digital graphic on paper, Mestna galerija, Ljubljana
2000 Cultural Center Grillparzerhof, (ABB) Avstria
Club der Begegnung - Ursulinenhof, (ABB) Linz, Avstria
Galerie Augentrost (ABB) Duesseldorf, Germany
PIXXELPOINT,Nova Gorica, Slovenija
Birds and the Legacy of Icarus - online exhibition
2001 Artfor-Focom, Moscow, Russia
Worte und Bilder, Linz, Austria
Gallery Generali Insurance (ABB), Linz, Austria
6th Biennial of Drawing and Graphic Arts, Gyor, Hungary
4th Triennial of Small Graphics, Vilnius, Lithuania
Pixxelpoint, N. Gorica, Slovenia
EurArt Millennium, Gorizia, Italy
2002 Pixxelpoint, N. Gorica, Slovenia
Cultural Centre Grillparzerhof (ABB), Austria


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 7 Agosto 2003
Visitatori dal 3/5/2001 : 61398

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