world artist
Alison Raimes

Studio A2, Bow Arts Trust, London E3
London (Gran Bretagna)

tel. 020 7739 2874

Senza titolo
mixed media on  various materials, 


Senza titolo
mixed media on  canvas, 


Senza titolo
mixed media on  canvas, 


Senza titolo
mixed media on  canvas, 




Alison is a fine art degree graduate from Manchester Metropolitan University in England and is currently studying for an MFA at Kent Institute.
She works from studios at Bow Arts Trust in East London, is represented by Art Contact of Fulham and is a member of the co-operative gallery, Skylark.
Alison is also the founding member of the online art discussion group, Artlives.
Recently her work has been shown in Drachten in the Netherlands and also in Sweden. She is showing regularly in London.


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 7/5/2001 : 60741

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