world artist
José Carrilho

Lisboa (Portogallo)


Lake Powell
pastel on  paper,  22cm x 30cm cm, 2007




José Carrilho was born in Lisbon.
Since young he developed taste for drawing, yet he didn't pursue it through school time.
In 2004 he decided to pursue that dream and now he hopes that his works will bring joy to others as the bring to him.
He is also the author of The Art Inquirer blog

Curriculum vitae:

José Carrilho does not have a formal art education but he takes private oil painting lessons and participates in art forums.
Exhibitions :

-Alcarte 2006
-12th International Exhibition of Vendas Novas 2006
-Coisas de Campolide 2006
-I Salão Nacional de Artes Plásticas 2007 (honorable mention)
-Lembrar Abril 2007
-Alcarte 2007
-Exibição Colectiva Natal 2007


Ultimo aggiornamento: domenica 10 Febbraio 2008
Visitatori dal 12/6/2007 : 60958

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