world artist
Chary Castro-Marin

3820 N. 30th Street Phoenix, Arizona 85016
Phoenix, Arizona (Stati Uniti)

tel. 602 369-9549

Pronostico del Gris I
ink on  paper,  51cm x 66cm cm, 2006




Chary Castro-Marin
The artist was born in Cienfuegos, Cuba. Her enthusiasm for the arts was evident from a very early age, most notably in drawings and musical performance. At age 16 she graduated as a concert pianist from the Conservatorio Amadeo Roldan in Havana, Cuba, and continued her classical repertory studies under the direction of the late Maestro Cesar Perez Centenat. She gave numerous recitals in Cuba and abroad. Chary later moved to New York City with her family before finding a permanent home in Arizona. It is here that she continues to express herself through art as both a student at Arizona State University and as an individual artist. Her selection of paper and canvas as the media through which she reaches out to her audience reflects an evolution based on a lifetime of fondness for artistic expression.
Chary can be contacted at her studio Atellier in Phoenix, Arizona:

(602) 369-9549

Curriculum vitae:

Essentially, I am a self-taught painter. Although I had known I had a strong desire to paint for my entire life, I did not start to paint formally until the summer of 2005. By then, I had certainly come a long way. My art language is replete with references from my childhood; it communicates happiness and optimism through the use of highly vivid colors. My explorations in painting consist of themes in the realm of the abstract and realism. Most currently, I find myself fascinated working with ink.

The images in my work reflect my own world: my life, my environment, my feelings and my thoughts – all that exists inside or outside of me. I compose my images based on emotional, musical, and poetic associations rather than on rules of pictorial logic.

I hope you have enjoyed my work and I invite you to contact me via email:


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 14 Giugno 2007
Visitatori dal 10/6/2007 : 59947

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