world artist
Edward Tabachnik

133, Torresdale Ave
Toronto (Canada)

tel. (416)667-9698

Castrati. Farinelli playing Harp.
oil on  canvas,  81x90 cm, 2005


Concert. Harpsichord in Hermitage Teater.
oil on  canvas,  81x100 cm, 1998


High Water in St.Mark Square. Venice Nights.
oil on  canvas,  100x137 cm, 1998


Last Supper in Pompeii.
oil on  canvas,  81x100 cm, 1999


Lira Piano in Flames. St. Mark Caphedral.
oil on  canvas,  81x91 cm, 2003




1961-Graduated from St.Petersburg Acedemy of arts and Architecture.
The Academy was founded by The Empress Katherine The Great more than 250 years ago, and has always been traditionaly connected with the French Ecol
des Beaux Arts in Paris.
Many Exhibitions in Moscow Exhibition Halls and Assocciation of Architects.
1972-1974 Exhibitons in Israel.
Since 1975 in Toronto-Many exhibitions in Canada Galleries and USA.
2000-Exibition and in collection of The Museum of European Art,Clarence, New York.
2001-Honorary Member of The Order of Alexander The Great.
2002-Solo exhibition of 24 paintings "Past, Present and Future" in JCC on Palisade, Tenafly, New Jersey, USA.
2002-Solo exhibition of 17 paintings "Dreams and Memories" in JCC
Bergen County, New Jersey, USA.
2002-Solo exhibition, 8 paintings, "Old Musical Instruments" in the Gallery Lincoln Center for Performance Arts, New York City, USA.
2002-2003, Salon d'Automne International des Beaux-Arts de Montreal, Canada.
2003-Exhibition of 8 paintings "At The Hermitage". The Museum of European Art, Clarence, New York, USA.
2004-Exhibition "Salvadore Dali 100 Years". The Museum of European Art, Calarence, New York, USA.
2005-Exhibition "Reasons to Love The Earth" in Utrecht, Netherlands.
2005-"The Togo Salmon Centenary Exhibition. The Classical World and its influence". The McMaster Museum of Art, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
2006-Exhibition "Building Cultural Bridges. Art from the former Soviet Union to America". Mizel Museum, Denver, Colorado, USA.
2006- Exhibition "Art Metropolis". The Museum of European Art, Clarence,
New York, USA.
2006 - Exhibition: "Earth Day 2006", Ouwehands, Rhenen, Netherlands.
2006 - Exhibition "Art Metropolis", Museum of European Art, Clarence, New York. 3 paintings.
2006 - Exhibition: "Building Cultural Bridges: Art from the former Soviet Union to America", Mizel Museum, Denver, Colorado, USA. 4 paintings.
2007 - “Valentine’s Show“, Gallery of Hittite, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
2007 - Solo exhibition “ Ancient Musical Instruments and Mystery of The Past”,
Walt Whitman Birthplace, Long Island, NY, USA. 18 paintings.
2007 - “4th Annual Crossing Borders: Works by Canadian Artists”.
Kenan Center, Lockport, NY. 3 paintings.
2009-"Homage to Salvador Dali". Museum of European Art, New York.
4 paintings by Edward Tabachnik.

Curriculum vitae:

Departure from the Soviet Union in 1972 has given the artist the freedom to paint not in the obligatory style of so called "Social Realism", but in any style he choose to.
In his works artist blends seamlessly his fantasy with sometimes well known, sometimes created architectural details.
In some of his latest works he is looking with a "modern eye" at the earlier times, interpreting the vision of the artists who lived centuries ago. New Style-Romantic Expressionism.

2001-Admitted as Honorary Member of The Order of Alexander The Great.
Order of Alexander The Great is an international organization which honors
life-long cultural accomplishments. Among its Honorary Members were and are:n Salvador Dali,Henry Moore, Fernand Mourlot, Jean Cocteau, Herbert von Karajan, Leonard Bernstein, President Francois Mitterrand, Swami Rama of he Himalayas, Ernst Junger.
The Crown prince of Spain, film director Jean-Jacques Annaud, actor Sir Peter Ustinov, sculptor Kurt Arentz and others.


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdì 27 Novembre 2009
Visitatori dal 10/7/2001 : 61463

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