world artist
Warren Furman

RR 2, Box 155
Montrose, PA (Stati Uniti)

tel. 570 278-9577

5x5 VI
digital art on  paper,  18x18 cm, 2006


Bleux Meltdown
digital art on  canvas,  42x60 cm, 2006


digital art on  paper,  20x12.5 cm, 2002


Courtly Jester
digital art on  canvas,  24x30 cm, 2007


digital art on  paper,  12x18 cm, 2007


digital art on  canvas,  35x28 cm, 2007


Hot Time
digital art on  paper,  12x18 cm, 2001


Jigsaws 1
digital art on  paper,  12x16 cm, 2007




Warren Furman is a native New Yorker currently residing in NE Pennsylvania. He studied composition at Queens College (CUNY); architecture at the University of Cincinnati and Pratt Institute; Industrial Design at NY Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences; and attended graduate seminars in experimental music and ethnomusicology at Weslyan University. Founder of Long Island's Furman School of Music, he taught piano and composition for several years before returning to art and, in 2002, once again to music.

Furman's scores have been performed in New York and Pennsylvania and his electronic music presented at festivals and over FM stations here in the USA and abroad. His most recent works are for chorus, with and without instrumental accompaniment. Also A Little Music for the Chamber Made, a composition for chamber orchestra yet to be performed.

In 1998, upon discovering the remarkable similarities in the techniques used to create electronic music and digital art, he returned to visual art and now has well over two hundred paintings that have been exhibited extensively online and, more recently, in real world galleries.

An occasional software programmer (ezKEYS, MacMinder, RGBcolorWiz) as well as the designer of an array of geometric copper and glass tables, Furman's diverse oeuvres are all on display at

Curriculum vitae:

Recent Concerts

2003 Premier of TrioCVB, St Stephen's Church, NYC.

2005 Premiers of TrioCVB (revised), Miller's Daughter, Song without Words, what if a much of a which of a wind, Fall-ing... and Fa-la-la Fin. Also the first presentation of a Flash slideshow with Endgame as background music. Dietrich Theater, Tunkhannock, PA

Recent Art Exhibits (*solo)

US Airforce Research Labs, Rome. NY (21 framed prints)*
Tunkhannock Library, PA*
Earnshaw Gallery, Tunkhannock. PA*
Lizza Gallery, Tunkhannock. PA

MCAC, Stroudsburg, PA
Wyoming County Courthouse, Tunkhannock. PA*
Lizza Gallery, Tunkhannock. PA

Duncan McAshan Arts Gallery, Ingram, TX
Blue Heron Gallery, Wyalusing, PA
Borders, Dickson City, PA*
US Airforce Research Labs, Rome. NY (6 additional large works)*

Blue Heron Gallery, Wyalusing, PA
Lizza Gallery, Tunkhannock. PA
J Farrar Gallery, Tunkhannock. PA*
Blue Heron Holiday Show, Wyalusing, PA
Dushore Founders Day Art Show, Dushore, PA

Roberson Science and Arts Museum, Binghampton, NY


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 31 Maggio 2007
Visitatori dal 28/5/2007 : 63236

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