world artist
Jón Benedikt Hólm

Reykjavík (Islanda)

tel. 354-8653256


acrilic on  canvas,  50x60cm cm, 2007


acrilic on  canvas,  35x35cm cm, 2007




Born in Icelands capital in the year 1971 when most of the hippies went mental or died,i was born,a son of a beutiful mother and a crasy father and grew up around the city,was one of the city´s first graffiti artist and made headlines more than once because of ny graffity and the rough message it brought,got involved with poetry and photgraphic work as a wild teenager but unfortunatly got involved with some more serious underground activity as a drug crased young man and didn´t get involved with art until the autumn of 2006 when i first painted on canvas,since i have been unstoppable and have just finished my first exhibition in Cafe Babalu in downtown Reykjavik.Totally new on the scene i have found myself in powerful painting frenzy with high productivity of myu work and is exploiding the art world as a madman......


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedě 4 Giugno 2007
Visitatori dal 20/5/2007 : 60734

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