world artist
aly ysaa ALYSSA

3bisBd Environnement -exe Avenue Casablanca-2000Bardou-Tunis -Tunisie
Bardou-Tunis - TUNISIE (Tunisia)

tel. 0021671223107-00216 97 417 421



ALYSSA, born in Banzart - TUNISIA 30 march 1938-Artis Plastician,Founder of his "The National art Gallery, Dôm of Plastic Arts "in Bardou-Tunis, opening to promote the Universal art, where 200 artists from the world exhibit their works,all technics accepted for the 4th Salons of the 4 saisons of the year with specific dâtes opening :20January to 10 march:Winter - 30 March to 10June : Spring--15June to 10october :Automn.
The National Art Gallery opening all the year with Rendez-vous -Phone before plz= phone-Fax=0021671223107 - Mobile 0021697417421--0021620050895
Education:high Arts shool of Tunis,Art's City of Paris, France, Lebanese Academy of fine art's, American University of Beirut, Lebanon in
1959-62, University of america, in Washington DC, USA . Appointements:Teacher, high school El Makassed, Beirut, Lebanon,and since 1963in Tunisia-Tunis:Ibn Rochd, Ibn Charaf, Menzel Bourguiba, Grombalia- Since 1968-69:Conservateur of modern art in Directory of Arts and Letters in Ministry of Culture of Tunis.-1970-Personnal itnerant exhibition around center and west africa:Zaire "Kinshasa","DAR Essalam Tanzania,Zambia,and Marocco"Casablanca,Marrakech, Agadir,Rabat", Algeria" Alger,Oran,Constantine", Libya"Tripoli",Egypt"cairo,Alexandria".
Since 1978-79-Found and construct himself and Manager Director of his "The National Gallery ALYSSA Dôme of Plastic Arts of Bardou-Tunis-
Honours:Medals east Paris FR:Academy of Visualsand Plastics Arts(1986)
Gold Medal of International Festival of Modern art of Maharès(Tuisia)-
Memberships, Vice President World Academy of Visuals and Plastic arts.
Paris-France.(1985)-Academia of Arts and Lettres Greci Marino International Accademia del Verbano di Lettri,Arti,Sciensa, ITALIA. International Arts City of Paris,France.Participate in multiple Exhibition of groups,in Tunisia and personnal exhibition inthe Middle east Beirut,(Lebanon),Damascus'Syria), Amman(Jordania), Jerusalem(Palestine),Ankara(Turkey),Montreal, Ottawa, Ontario(CANADA)....
Adresse:Fondation ALYSSA, 3bis Bd Environnement, exe Avenue Casablanca, Bye Avenue Bayrem Tounsi,2000 Bardou-Tunis-Tunisia
Tél-Fax=0021671223107-Mobile :0021697417421-0021620050895--émail:


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 14 Giugno 2007
Visitatori dal 18/5/2007 : 59456

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