world artist
Blekiewicz Kasia

Gdansk (Polonia)

tel. +48 (0) 507 140 858


oil on  canvas,  30-80 cm cm, 2006


oil on  canvas,  110-90 cm cm, 2005


oil on  canvas,  30-80 cm cm, 2006


oil on  canvas,  150-170cm cm, 2006


Thyon(three panels)
oil on  canvas,  115-55 cm cm, 2005


oil on  canvas,  100-50 cm cm, 2005


oil on  canvas,  100-80 cm cm, 2007




I was born in 1972, Gdansk, Poland. In 1999 I completed my studies at the Academy of Fine Art in Gdansk and obtained a Masters Degree in Painting in professor Maciej Swieszewski's atelier.
Signs that appear in my works come from my imagination. When being enchanted by nature I synthesize this world and portray it in the form of imaginary symbols. Among signs that I use there are ones that may be explained in relation to Christian, Egyptian or Greek symbology - symbols of fish, eye or wings; but also those that bear no relation to concrete forms - abstract symbols composing specific, complex systems like archaic, ideographic scriptures. Those signs are not symbols that should be directly read, they rather represent signs that are riddles tempting viewer's imagination. They lead back to ancient mystique but without the signposts.

Curriculum vitae:

2007-"Edinburgh Art Festival",Art Space Gallery,United Kingdom
2007-"European Master's of Modern Art"-Burgau,Austria
2007-Exhibition of paintings "Signs and Symbols"-Nescafe Gallery,Gdansk,Poland
2006 - Solo exhibition at Fundation Ateneum Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2005 - Exhibition of Paintings at Aneri Gallery, Gdansk, Poland
2005 - Exhibition of Paintings at Mariacka Gallery, Gdansk, Poland
2004 - Solo exhibition at Art Domain Gallery, Mallorca, Spain
2004 - Exhibition of Paintings at Aneri Gallery, Gdansk, Poland
2003 - Group exhibition "Katarzyna Blekiewicz, Zbigniew Blekiewicz & Anna Bocek" at Dimidium Toto Gallery, Sopot, Poland
2003 - Art Fair, Stockholm, Sweden
2003 - "Signs, symbols and contrasts" - exhibition of paintings by Katarzyna & Zbigniew Blekiewicz at National Centre of Culture, Gdansk, Poland
2002 - II Festival of Art in Gdansk, Poland
2000 - Atelier in Appeldorn, artist in residence, Appeldorn, Holland
2000 - Exhibition of Paintings at Dab Gallery - ZPAP, Warsaw, Poland
2000 - Solo exhibition at General Consulate of Poland, Strasbourg, France
1999 - Solo exhibition at Mariacka Gallery, Gdansk, Poland
1999 - Solo exhibition at Eliot Gallery, Gdynia, Poland
1998 - Group exhibition "Graphics of the year" - GTPS, Gdansk, Poland
1997 - "Painting meeting", Bank Foundation, Gdynia, Poland
1996 - "Portfolio" at National Gallery of Art, Sopot, Poland


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 16 Ottobre 2007
Visitatori dal 10/5/2007 : 62045

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