world artist
Gina Telcocci

PO Box 1362, Santa Fe, NM 87504-1362
Santa Fe, New Mexico (Stati Uniti)

tel. (505) 989-5055

cage for human
sculpture on  various materials,  240 X 90 diameter cm, 2001


sculpture on  various materials,  240 diameter X 290 cm, 2001


sculpture on  wood,  96 X 30 diameter cm, 1997


installation on  wood,  60 X 55 X 30 cm, 1999




Gina Telcocci has been making art and other things since the age of three. She grew up in Oklahoma, the prarie and farmland of the U.S. Upon finishing high school, she moved around the U.S., living briefly in several states, mostly in the West and SouthWest. After receiving a graduate degree from CU in Boulder, Colorado, she settled in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In the southern Rocky Mountains and the surrounding landscapes Telcocci discovered an affinity for the desert and canyon country which has consistently informed her work. In addition to sculpture and installation, she is working on land art and living sculpture on her property on the Pecos River. She also teaches art.

Curriculum vitae:

Education: M.F.A., University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 1982
B.F.A., Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ 1977

Exhibitions: Ernesto Mayans Gallery, Santa Fe, NM 2000
Faculty Exhibit, Santa Fe Community College, 2000
Fenix Gallery, Taos, NM 1999
Window Project, Museum of Fine Arts Office, Santa Fe, 1999
Plan B, Santa Fe, NM 1999
Owings-Dewey Gallery, Santa Fe, Nm 1998
State Capital, Santa Fe, NM 1997
Governer's Gallery, Santa Fe, NM 1995
Office of the Mayor of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, 1994

Awards: Installation, University of New Mexico/Los Alamos, 2001
Pollock/Krasner Foundation Grant, 1987
Best of Show cash award, Colorado Springs Fine Art Center,

Bibliography: Art & Intimacy, Ellen Dissanayake, University of Washington
Press, 2000
The magazine, June, July, 1999
Arte magazine, July, 1999
Metropolitan Home magazine, December, 1998


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 3/1/2001 : 60932

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