world artist
Hencz Anikó

Budapest (Ungheria)

tel. 06302592312

Daughter of Khronos
digital art on  various materials,  50x60 cm cm, 2006


Portrait of a ghost
digital art on  various materials,  50x63 cm cm, 2007


The lame dog's dream
digital art on  various materials,  40x50 cm cm, 2007


The outcasted
digital art on  various materials,  45x45 cm cm, 2007


The strength of passing
digital art on  various materials,  50x60cm cm, 2007




I am a hungarian graphician, mostly interested in computer art. The most valuable feature of digital art, as I see it, is the endless freedom of artistic techniques, easily allowing to alter hand-drawing with computer,- and photo manipulation. Thus, traditional and abstract elements can live together in harmony.
My paintings are mostly the sensitive creations of my imagination. I keep analyzing and rearranging found and searched for motifs, my dreams, my thoughts, abstract images. This process continues until these fragments of thought become finalized images filling up the empty spaces and thus, the final work comes to life between my fingers. These works are full of tension, playfulness and emotional dynamics, with specific color and form solutions. This way, my work cannot be anything else but “me”, a piece of me, which is continuously recharging and wishing to break out (express itself) over and over again. This process carries with it the duality and succession of periods of stormful creation with periods of peacefulness.
As a matter of fact, my work does not belong to any artistic category or trend. All my digital paintings have their own world and their own story. This is my language that I try to reach you with and show you a little part of me.


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdģ 4 Maggio 2007
Visitatori dal 26/4/2007 : 62092

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