world artist
Lida Maximin

Studio 68 - Section 6
Miami (Stati Uniti)

tel. 786 486 5104

oil on  canvas,  48 x 50 x 2 cm, 2005


Mephisto I
oil on  canvas,  26 x 28 x 2 cm, 2007


Expression From Japan
oil on  canvas,  35 x 58 x 2 cm, 1996


mixed media on  canvas,  72 x 74 x 2.5  cm, 2005


Clvos Negros Sobre Huevo Blando
oil on  canvas,  48 x 24 x 1.5 cm, 2006


Deep Into A Dream
mixed media on  canvas,  59 x 28 x 2 cm, 2002


Because We Care VI
oil on  canvas,  48 X 24 X 1.5 cm, 2006




few words
Always creativity oriented, Lida promotes and develops concepts, philosophies, oil paintings, hand painted glassware, Japanese panels, furniture, clocks, architectural design, and so on.
In the past few years, I have seen a dramatic change in lifestyle and principles. Learning, studying, writing, reading, have become a non-necessity of life, while quality and creativity have become a luxury.

Throughout history the World has been fighting, experiencing at least two genocides in the past 50 years and, still today, we are at war. I wish that we could love each other regardless of color, religion, sexual behavior, political ideology, in order to create an honest world based on what we really need instead of spending time committing stupidity.

Life has become much more stressful due to the pressure of media in general and the modernism of society. In many ways, technology did not benefit humans by giving us the beautiful but misused tool of computers, the potential of which has been denigrated. People today are more interested about their car, watch, iPod, or cell phone rather than being in close relation with nature, other human beings, or culture in general. I could keep on writing about what should be important to us, but it would be in vain.

I hope my point of view will have some positive impact because, at the end, the most important thing is to cheer and love,

Curriculum vitae:

No matter what you do in your life and at work, you should always do the best and most beautiful things you can. Most will say that you do not have to be so meticulous or need to do as much as you do - just the minimum. Well, I think that any task you accomplish should be as aesthetic as possible; beauty cannot hurt, but remember that doing something beautiful and simple is often difficult to achieve. Simplicity is difficult .....

Highly knowledgeable in art, Maximin Lida is in perpetual “war” with artists who produce large amounts of nonsense solely for the purpose of profiting from today’s art marketplace. Today, Art in many ways has become a business allowing monetary gain without investment or regard for expression, true freedom or artistic creativity. Art can be learned in many ways, however, a true gift and knowledge of art and it’s history should be mandatory requirements for the serious artist.

“There have always been two kinds of painters: those who went past the line, and those who knew how, respectfully and with patience, to go up just to the limit. The first, because of their impatience, were labeled passionate geniuses. The second, because of their humble patience, have been labeled cold and merely artisans.”

- SD / OUI - P. 9 / Reflections 2 - 1927 - 1933


Ultimo aggiornamento: sabato 8 Gennaio 2011
Visitatori dal 26/4/2007 : 64464

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