world artist
Otso Kupiainen

Stockholm (Svezia)


Without titel
oil on  canvas,  81 x 65 cm, 2005


Logos I
oil on  canvas,  92 x 73 cm, 2004


Logos II
oil on  canvas,  92 x 73 cm, 2004


Logos III
oil on  canvas,  92 x 73 cm, 2004


Without title
mixed media on  canvas,  85 x 65 cm, 2004




Born in Tyrnävä on the West Coast of Finland, Otso Kupiainen lives and works in Stockholm.

His career took off in France where he participated in group exhibitions in Caen and Bayeux in Normandy in the early 90's and his works was noticed for it's very unusual quality.

Each painting is the result of a long process of maturation, day-dreaming and listening to the world around. This will ultimately enrich the painting in progress either in a frenzied action or in a more reflective one. The result, stunning paintings surging from the artist's brushes splashed on the canvas like sentences extracted from a forgotten conversation.

The palette of colours used by Otso Kupiainen has a unique richness as it belongs to himself, strong and mellow at times, and the colours are rarely or never used to give a nice aspect. And there is wonder in the themes he goes through, the way he treats them and perhaps how they may resound in the spectator.

Otso Kupiainen is very good at investigating the mysteries of human nature and Nature itself and his sensibility pervades each of his paintings. Some are human figures, in full or in fragment in various attitudes, others are worlds in miniature, landscapes and blurred horizons, and remains of frescoes on the ruined walls to inspire our dreams.

Alan Chatham de Bolivar
Paris, January 1999

Curriculum vitae:

86-87 Nyckelvikskolan

2004-2005 Restaurant Tricolore; Stockholm, Sweden
2004 Volvo Showroom; Stockholm, Sweden
1998 Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Helsinki, Finland
1997 Visual Center; Oulu, Finland
1997 Cultural Center of Capitals of the Nordic Countries;
Hässelby-Slottet; Stockholm, Sweden
1996 Suomi Galleri; Stockholm, Sweden
1995 Neliö-Galleria; Oulu, Finland
1994 Suomi Galleri; Stockholm, Sweden

2004 Volvo Showroom; Stockholm, Sweden
2002 Gustaf Vasa Church; Stockholm, Sweden
1999 Stockholm Transformation in
"Spårvägsmuseet"; Stockholm, Sweden
1999 Gunma Sekisui; Maebashi City, Japan
1998 Sekisui Reform Plaza; Takasaki City, Japan
1998 Art Space Tsubaki; Honjo City, Japan
1998 Nonin Temple; Moka, Tochigi, Japan
1998 Moroyama Town Hall; Japan
1992 Poissons de Bayeux; Bayeux, France 
1992 Hôtel d'Escoville; Caen, France


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 19 Dicembre 2005
Visitatori dal 21/5/2001 : 61435

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