world artist
Lino Budano

via Lanfranco, 28
29100, Piacenza (Italia)

tel. 0523 617761

sculpture on  various materials,  80x60 cm, 1999


installation on  various materials,  100x100 cm, 2001


body there is not
sculpture on  various materials,  100x90x40 cm, 1998


L'uomo visibile
installation on  alabastro,  220x180 cm, 2001


sculpture on  various materials,  100x80x10 cm, 1998


installation on  various materials,  140x100x12 cm, 2001


installation on  various materials,  220x180 cm, 2001


virus contamination
sculpture on  various materials,  90x60x9 cm, 1997




Lino Budano, born in Forlì (ITALY) on 11.03.52. I live and work in Piacenza, Via Lanfranco 28 - Italy. During the course of my long activity (over 30 years) as a painter, a digital graphic and lastly I'm searching my path as a sculpture; the enamels used in the 80's, the acrilics at the beginning of the 90's togetherwith the digital experiments were no longer sufficient for me. I was inneed of another expressive form. The passage to sculpture and videosculptures was inevitable,not the traditional one but composed of different assembled andcamouflaged materials which themselves became protagonists and suggestive.
Superficially an abstract or quite simply an aesthetical subject seems to ensue, but a more attentive approach reveals a personal post organic recollection closer to my past experiences and present in life. There is my love for the Italian Baroque, for F. Bacon, for the cinema ofG.Greenaway, Cronemberg, for the music of G.Crumb, G.Ligeti and K.Tippett, there's the surgeon who has seen "inside" the man, there's the powerful technology which progresses, which changes you , it clones you ; but all has sublimed and has becone "other". I have given body to my obsessions, to the biological changes and to the man's psyche, to his decline and/or his true
or apparent omnipotence in a vision which with its wounds, its satures open themselves to the next, future instant, of the unavoidable success.Although I've dedicated over 30 years to this activity, I've been doing it semi professionally for only 10 years as I prefer to be free for market tiesor bonds; I mainly produce wall sculptures and use any type of element ( plastic, chalk, guazes, nails, various fabrics, wood etc..) which stimulate and enable me to create my projects.

Curriculum vitae:

2001 “L’uomo visibile” Alphacentauri Parma
2001 “Codici” Studio Jelmoni Piacenza
2000 “Il grande fardello” - Fernet - Piacenza
2000 Associazione culturale Palomart - Alessandria
2000 Appuntamenti D’Autore Videoscultura “Codici di accesso” - Novara
1999 “Mixedmedia” Palazzo Dei Congressi Salsomaggiore - Parma
1998 “Ibi cubavit lamia” Palazzo Dei Congressi Salsomaggiore - Parma

2002 KUNSTBRÜCKEN - Die Sezession - Graz
2002 5 Artisti in cartella Farhenhait - Piacenza
2001 Dal concretismo all’astrattismo Castello di Vicolungo
2001 100 Artisti per l’auto - Museo dell’automobile “Carlo Biscaretti di Ruffia” Torino
2001 Alphacentauri Estate VI Ragazzola Parma
2001 Pittura e scultura “Città di Novara” Novara
2001 Arketipo Castello Estense Ferrara
2000 Memorial Quaglino Arengario Del Broletto - Novara
2000 Rassegna d’arte Multimediale Casalpusterlengo - Lodi
2000 MAC21 arte - email Marbella Spagna
2000 Artisti a Torino -Videoscultura “Binaries” - Torino
2000 Amici dell’arte - Piacenza
2000 Bitbybit - videoscultura “Croce-imprinting” Colorado Spring USA
1999 Incontro al mondo - Chiesa di S.Fermo - Piacenza
1999 Galleria Sever Milano
1983 Premio concorso internazionale Luciano Ricchetti - Piacenza
1981 Premio concorso internazionale Luciano Ricchetti - Piacenza
1977 Premio Concorso “Il Cavallino” - Polesine Parmense - Parma

Sue opere sono presenti in collezioni, gallerie e musei in Italia e America


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 30 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 1/1/2001 : 62994

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