world artist
Neringa Stjernman

Eskilstuna, Sweden


King Lear
mixed media on  linen,  2000


Mosaic of memories
lithogaphy on  wood,  2000


Under flowering apple tree
mixed media on  paper,  100 x 270 cm, 1999


Yellow fruits of yearning II
lithogaphy on  wood,  26 x 32 cm, 2000




STUDIES 1986-1991 studied at Vilnius Academy of Arts LITHUANIA

1991 Kaunas philharmony, Kaunas LITHUANIA
1994 Langas gallery, Kaunas LITHUANIA
1996 Konstfrämjandet, Eskilstuna, SWEDEN
1997 Konstnärsföreningen. Västerås, SWEDEN
1998 Studiefrämjandets gallery, Eskilstuna, SWEDEN
1999 Ebelingmuseet, Torshälla, SWEDEN
Ekotemplet, Strängnäs, SWEDEN
2000 Stadshuset, Nyköping, SWEDEN
Museum of Arts, Eskilstuna, SWEDEN
M. K.Ciurlionis Museum of Arts, Kaunas, LITHUANIA
Nynäshamns Konsthall, Nynäshamn, SWEDEN
2001 Galleri Hörnan, Falun, SWEDEN
Galleri Villåttinge, Flen, SWEDEN
Tapper-Popermajer Art Gallery, Malmö, SWEDEN
Galleri Kraftverket, Mjölby, SWEDEN
2002 The Gallery of Grafiska Sällskapet, Stockholm, Sweden
Akademiska sjukhuset, Uppsala, SWEDEN
Brunnsta värdshus, Eskilstuna, Sweden
The art museum of Vetlanda, Vetlanda, Sweden


Ultimo aggiornamento: sabato 27 Settembre 2003
Visitatori dal 7/5/2001 : 60832

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