world artist
Gligor Sazdovski

Koranska 1a
Zagreb (Croazia)

tel. 6170945

pastel on  paper,  70x100 cm, 2007


acrilic on  paper,  70x100 cm, 2002


pastel on  paper,  70x100 cm, 2002


acquatinta on  paper,  70x100 cm,


acquatinta on  alabastro,  40x70 cm, 2006


pastel on  paper,  70x100 cm, 2006


pastel on  paper,  70x100 cm, 2007




Gligor Sazdovski
Born in Skopje, Macedonia, completed the Academy for Arts in Zagreb, class of Marijan Detonij in 1971. From 1973 to 1975 works as associate in Krsto Hegedusic�s work room. Member of Croatian Association of Visual Arts and Likum. His work in graphics, paining and ceramics is equally successful. Prepares individual and takes part in group exhibitions at home and abroad.

1972. Zagreb
1975. San Marino,Italija
1979. Montegroto Terme,Italija
1984. Zagreb
2002. Zagreb

1970. Zagreb,IULUHA za sajam cvije�a
1971. Zagreb,Salon mladih
1972. Izlo�ba �lanova kolonije
1973. Zagreb,Atelijerski susret Majstorske radionice K.Hegedu�i�a
1973. Padova,Italija,Zagreba�ki grafi�ari
1975. Zagreb,Salon Mladih
1975. Skopje,Bitola,Makedonija,Trijeanale suvremene jugoslavenske Grafike
1977. Skopje,Makedonija,Mlada generacija
1979. Zagreb,Salon Mladih
1980. Zagreb,Salon Mladih
1980. Skopje-Gevgelija,Makedonija.Grafi�ka kolonija
1980. Skopje,Makedonsko-Norve�ka grafika
1981. Bitola,Makedonija,Trijenale suvremene jugoslovenske grafike
Zagreb,X.,XI.,XII.,XIII.,XIV.,postav �lanova HDLU-a
1987. Bitola,Makedonija,Trijenale suvremene jugoslavenske grafike
Zagreb,I.,II.,III.,i V.,Svjetsko trijenale male keramike
1991/92. Split,Bijenale suvremene hrvatske grafike
1993. Venecija,Italija,Karneval-Sapada
2000. Zagreb,Kerami�ki tanjuri
2001. Zagreb,ULRIH,Dat �u vam novo srce
2001/02.Zagreb,Kerami�ki pehari

Curriculum vitae:


Compression of shape in association of organic structure is characteristic of Gligor Sazdovski�s exhibition. With the imaginative interpretation in his pastel series the underlined concept is driven to attractiveness.
Sazdovski evolves the possible ornamental assembly to the palpitating surface where the segments of exogenous character grow in and grow out of the potential core.
The soundness of the composition, legible and indented contours create a surface with clear composition and interesting spacing. Colonial span ranges from almost full pallet to harmony of few values, with special attention to accents, gathering points for chromium impact. On one hand the evolved shapes bring the outside monumentality, and on the other hand they enter into a micro-world with visible physical form that discovers order, and in visual art the tissue of rhythmically organized particles.
Certainly, this is a free artistic interpretation of predictability and unpredictability of visual-art game, originating from the experience.
Sazadovski is inspired by floral shapes, their silhouette in a static manner and in move, and with repetition of units in composition of tense dynamic relationship, where the related becomes different and vice versa.
The great sketcher�s art gives readability to each particle. But, individually it is integral part of artistic flourishing and accord. The luckily selected pastel technique with surface �smear� and with possibility of putting an accent to graphic gives the scene necessary vibration, and shapes the idea of reality.
Monodimensial becomes voluminous, unobtrusiveness of mass. The basic print with elements of geometrical regularity the concept is of visual art vitality, transformation where reality grows into imaginative, and imaginative becomes visual art reality. In this artistic change the value of colour with application of symbolic provide the sense of intrigue to the painting.
Stanko �poljari�


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 7 Marzo 2007
Visitatori dal 19/2/2007 : 61867

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