world artist
SeyedHamid Sharifi

Tehran (Iran)

tel. +982188808103

photography on  digital, 


In the name of "ALLAH"
acquatinta on  digital,  100-70 cm, 2006


digital art on  digital,  100-70 cm, 2005


digital art on  digital,  100-70 cm, 2005


acrilic on  canvas,  100-70 cm,


acrilic on  canvas,  100-70 cm,


digital art on  alabastro,  100-70 cm, 2006


Heaven's Ray
acrilic on  canvas,  100-70 cm,


digital art on  digital,  100-70 cm,


digital art on  digital,  100-70 cm, 2006




S. Hamid Sharifi Ale_Hashem

Date of birth: 1963

College of fine arts, Tarbyat Modaress University , M.A. in Graphic Design.
College of fine arts, University of Tehran , B.A. in painting.

• An Exhibition of Graphic works / Khane-e-sooreh (solo) 2001.
• The First Biennial of Iranian Graphic designer / Museum of Contemporary Arts, Tehran.
• 3rd. Biennial of Iranian Graphic designer / Museum of Contemporary Arts, Tehran.
• the First Mehr Art Festival / Niavaran Foundation of Artistic Creation 1999.
• An Exhibition of Illustration / Shahed Gallery (solo).
• Participation in over 55 group and biennial / exhibitions in Iran.

• Golden Plaque, Honorary diploma & memorial medal of Foundation of Arts & Literature of the Sacred Defence (1988).
• Plaque of honor & the golden statuette of the 3rd. Biennial of Iranian Graphic Designers(1992).
• Golden Plaque, Honorary diploma & memorial medal of the First Mehr Art Festival.

Teaching career:
Teacher College of fine arts, university of Tehran.
Teacher, College of fine arts, university of Al-zahra.
Teacher College of fine arts, university of Shahed.

Executive positions:
Illustration for Magazines: Kayhane farhangi/ Roshd/ Name farhang / Sooreh.
Secretory of 2nd Youth Art Festival- Visual Art / (Iranian Art Hall 2003).

Judging career:
• The member of jury in 1 st Youth Art Festival.
• The member of jury in 2 nd festival of Press.
• The member of jury in the 2 nd & 3 rd & 7 th book Festival for Children and Young Adults.
• The member of jury in 2 nd experimental exhibition.


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 19 Febbraio 2007
Visitatori dal 12/2/2007 : 63122

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