world artist
Mary Ann Leitch

Philadelphia, Pa. (Stati Uniti)


Exploration 17
mixed media on  canvas,  157x106 cm, 1989


Falling Oranges
pastel on  paper,  53x71 cm, 1995


acrilic on  canvas,  61x91 cm, 1983


leaf #6 -2part
mixed media on  canvas,  36"x24' each cm, 2000


R 19
mixed media on  board,  50x38 cm, 1993




Since 1975, Mary Ann's paintings and prints have brought much attention to the art viewing public. Having mastered a specific use of light and positioning of the figure, she establishes a mood that makes a bold and exotic statement. Thru her aesthetics, she expresses the assertive and sensuous aspects of today's women.

To satisy a desire for painting visual legerdemain, she produces surreal images of "Falling Fruit thru Clouds" on canvas with acrylic and pastel/paper. In the past still life oil paintings were produced with fruit and objects d’art.

In the "Exploration" series of non-representational paintings, attachments of glass jewels, earth stones and iridescent flakes amongst fields of color suggest off-world opulent journeys. Her hues and tones are meant to arouse the brain in harmonious, ethereal ways. Color fields with touches of realism produced by silk screen printing and collaged papers form a works on paper series-"Mini Legs" and "Resolution". This technique is also used for an equine & country series and Atlantic City area scenes.

Today the use of multiple paintings on wood, some assembled on pvc sheeting, predominately “Beach” scenes filled with colors of the sand, sea and sky are being produced. A 12 minute dvd, “Art by MAL – retrospectively” is available thru, with an “Available Art” book coming soon.

Mary Ann's artworks are collected internationally.

Exhibitions: 12 solo exhibits - 20 group shows, including the State Museum in Harrisburg and Caelum Gallery, NYC.
Pa. Academy of Fine Arts - '69-'70

Curriculum vitae:

Pa. Academy of Fine Arts - '69-'70


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 18 Settembre 2008
Visitatori dal 7/10/2001 : 61416

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