world artist
Debra Irizarry

20 Patchogue Dr. Rocky Point
New York (USA) (Porto Rico)

tel. (631)821-4792
web: dirizarry.artists-in-residence

Alma Libre
mixed media on  canvas,  127  cm, 2002


Dioses de Barro
mixed media on  canvas,  127  cm, 2002


Escape I
mixed media on  canvas,  106  cm, 2002


Escape II
mixed media on  canvas,  106  cm, 2002


mixed media on  canvas,  127 cm, 2002


mixed media on  canvas,  127  cm, 2002




Debra Irizarry received a scholarship at the age of twelve to study at the "Instituto de Artes Plasticas" in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Studied drawing with well known Ecuatorian artist Ramiro Pazmino. Studied Art History at the University of California in Los Angeles and Textile/Surface design at The Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. She became a digital textile designer for six years and travelled extensively during that period throughout Europe and Latin America developing a great sensitivity towards the many artistic expressions and styles she encountered.

Tired of a 9 to 5 job and eager to live a fulltime adventure, Debra and her husband decided to move to Tucson,Arizona. There she was able to expand as a fine artist. She participated in many Art fairs throughout the Southwest gaining much recognition among fellow artists. Five years later Debra and her expanding family decided to move back to New York.In 1998 she received a best of show award at The Danielson Art Fair in Connecticut.
2001- Biennale Internazionale dell' Arte Contemporaneo, Florence
Pulcheria Arte, Piacenza
Sono Arts Celebration, Norwalk, Connecticut
2002- "La Misma Sangre"- group show at Galeria Carlos Irizarry en Candela

2003- Art Domain Ibiza Gallery opening-group show, Spain

Curriculum vitae:

1976-78 Instituto de Artes Plasticas, San Juan-studied with late Ecuatorian artist, Ramiro Pazmino
1982-1986 BFA Art history at the University of California in Los Angeles,Textile/Surface design at the fashion Instituet of technology
1987-1993-Digital Textile Designer
1993-2000 Multidimentional Artist
Has participated in many juried art fairs throughout the southwest and the eastcoast,gaining the recognition of fellow artists and viewers of her art.
2001-Started creating Sculptural paintings,oil on canvas(sculpted canvas over canvas)
2001 January- exhibiting at SWRL Gallery,Shoreham
August 3-4- Sono Arts Celebration in Connecticut
December 1-9- Biennale di Firenze,Italia
"For six years I worked on a series of drawings dedicated to people from around the world and their spirituality; This journey helped me develop a new aspect of this inner world conveyed through 3D painting and sculpture".
2002-I am working on a series of cirles inspired by dreams and journeys of the spirit.


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 2 luglio 2003
Visitatori dal 27/6/2001 : 61975

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